NICEIC-certified Electricians
At Davidson Eakins, our NICEIC-certified electricians provide a range of testing and inspection services to help you maintain a safe and compliant home, business, rental premises, or commercial premises.
Alongside Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs), we offer Periodic Inspection & Testing and PAT’s Testing
Regular testing of appliance is a must for any business to meet insurance requirements and compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA 1974)

Free Inspections
Keep your property and loved ones safe with a free 15-minute visual electrical inspection.
We will visually check to see that your home, office, business, industrial unit, factory premises, garden or outbuildings are compliant by inspecting:
- Consumer units (age, condition, connections, RCD protection, wiring)
- Cooker circuit.
- Electric heating circuits.
- Lighting circuits and fittings.
- Mains earthing to gas supply.
- Mains earthing to water supply.
- Socket circuits.
At the end of the survey, we provide you with a verbal report on the condition of your electrical installation and discuss the results with you.
EV Charger Testing and Inspection
- Inspection of Charger internal controls
- Inspection and testing of protection devices
- Testing of load balancing controls

Please note a visual safety check does not involve any testing. If you require a formal, in-depth assessment of the electrical installation within a property which is known as an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), please contact us.